Education: Cultural Hegemony and Critical Consciousness The Lac du Flambeau Curriculum

Culturally Responsive & Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

Ethnic Studies: Equity, Equality & Equal Educational Opportunity

Characteristics of a Culturally Responsive Teacher (Richly & Graves)

  • Ability to respond to the needs of all of the students in the classroom
  • Demonstrate caring and empathy (high expectations)
  • Reflective about their beliefs about other cultures (confront the stereotypes we embody)
  • Reflective about own cultural frames of reference (world views)
  • Knowledgeable about other cultures (learning styles, language, everyday practices, historical experiences, etc.)
  • Engage in Scaffolding and working with students in their Zones of Proximal development (ZPDs) – Vygotsky

Overview of Mawadishiwe Wigamig Home of the Cultural Connections Course 

Our Mission: To prepare today’s youth with leadership skills and academic excellence to meet tomorrow’s challenges in a culturally based environment and community.  

Room 506 (The Gathering Place) is a place for community members, staff and students to come together to build strong and healthy relationships in an Ojibwe cultural environment to encourage the positive holistic growth and development of our students and support their academic success.  These are some things that happen in our room:

The Seventh-Generation program encompasses Mawadishiwe Wigamig, Community Outreach, all school cultural responsiveness, the Standing Against Bullying 1st Theatre Project, and many other projects related to cultural responsiveness and culturally congruent teaching and learning. ENVISION is an important part of this picture, but it is just one part of a much larger mission.

The Cultural Connections team also

  • Co-facilitates a comprehensive approach to Wisconsin Act 31, promoting and integrating education about Wisconsin Native cultures in the school, community, and the Lakeland Union School area; AVW, MHLT, Northland Lakeland, LUHS.
  • Coordinates and assists with cultural field experiences, cultural speakers and resources, and cultural connection initiatives.
  • Collaborates with the tribal language community along with a variety of partners practicing Community Engagement and building relationships with (e.g. district personnel, community organizations, parents, business, local, state, Tribal and federal governments).